"And on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it."
Our weaker or less honorable body parts are given greater care. Late last month, I strained my right knee. The pain is mostly gone, but I still favor the knee. The day it happened, I put almost no weight on the knee at all. My knee was hurt and temporarily unable to perform like the rest of my body, but I did not get rid of it. I gave it a special place of honor, allowing it time to recover from the stress of my accident.
Also, we honor parts of our body that work fine but are not to be displayed by carefully concealing them. Why go through the trouble? Why not get rid of these areas or at least throw off this sense of modesty and treat all of our body the same? Because there are certain parts that are indispensable (as the former post explored) and yet deserving of special care.
The solution is not dismemberment but special attention and greater honor for these less honorable parts. God made the church this way too. There are people in the church who lack honor. They deserve greater honor. They may take more time to help. They may need things that others can go without. But we should not push these less honorable individuals to the side, to help or work exclusively with those we believe have greater potential. Everyone in the church is important, and everyone needs to be cared for regardless of how much care they need.
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