“Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust.”
Many people do not obey their bosses. And of those that do, few obey their bosses out of respect for them. People will obey a boss to keep their jobs or to help them get ahead. But the Christian is to obey with respect. The passage goes on to clarify that this respectful obedience is to be given not only to the good and gentle, but also to the unjust.
I suppose I could obey an unjust boss, but how could I ever respect someone whom I know to be unjust? I have difficulty respecting a just boss who I disagree with; how could I respect an unjust boss? The context gives me two answers to that question. The first answer comes from the verses just before this verse. We obey because God put the person in that position. To rebel externally or internally is to believe that God was mistaken to put that person above you. The second answer is in the coming verses.
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