"For 'All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.' And this word is the good news that was preached to you."
What is the good news? That my life is short? That I will decay, grow old, and die? That doesn't sound very good. But that is the natural course of all mankind. Our being compared to grass might be perceived as demeaning. I never ran through an uncut field to look at the long blades of grass, brown an bend with time, dieing and on their way to becoming compost. I never considered it because it just happens. It's not significant. It's just the way it is. All flesh is like that. In all our glory, all our riches and extravagance, we are perishing. Doctors valiantly work to improve and to prolong our lives, but they eventually yield to man's mortality. Our flesh will ultimately come to the end of it's time.
But there is something that "remains forever." The word of God does not parish. How is this good news? We die; God's word remains. How does that translate into good? It's good because there is something beyond the perishable. And that which will not perish (God's word) speaks of something of us that will not parish. My flesh may rot and be food for worms, but I will live on. I will live on because God's word is sure, and the promises in the word that I've embraced will not fail.
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